
Sheriff's Office responsibilities

  • Conduct criminal investigations
  • Enforce the law of the State of Iowa
  • Enforce County Ordinances
  • Supervise the jail and the custody of incarcerated offenders
  • Weapon permits
  • Civil process such as sheriff's sales, paper service and garnishments
  • Execution and return of all legal civil papers
  • Provide Law Enforcement services to the Judicial Court System
  • Maintain the Sex Offender Registry
  • Patrol all areas of the county
  • Respond to any and all disasters within the county
  • Assist other Law Enforcement agencies
  • Sustain Iowa VINE for Victims

Purpose Statement

As the only law enforcement office in the nation elected by the people and for the people to constitutionally serve as the supreme law enforcement authority of Winneshiek County, our purpose and mission is to ensure the safety of the public in a friendly, approachable and ethical manner, while always upholding and protecting the constitutional rights of our citizens.

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